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AuriClass: quick estimation of Candida auris clade membership

AuriClass is a small tool which predicts Candida auris clade based on Mash distances from reference genomes. It accepts fastq or fasta files. Analysis typically takes a minute for Fastq data and a couple of seconds for Fasta data.


Install the tool using mamba and run an analysis on only the forward reads:

mamba create -n env_auriclass -c bioconda -c conda-forge auriclass
conda activate env_auriclass
auriclass -o output_report.tsv Candida_auris_R1.fq.gz


We needed a tool that:

  • quickly and accurately predicts C. auris clade from Illumina fastq and from fasta data
  • could be used on a single sample in an automated workflow

If you have fasta data, also check out the cauris_cladetyper task from TheiaEuk workflow.