Starting an analysis¶
Once ViroConstrictor is installed you can use it to analyse your NGS FastQ data.
You can run an analysis in two ways:
- A single-target analysis with run-wide parameters (the information that you give is applied to every sample in the analysis)
- A multi-target analysis where you provide a samplesheet (in excel, .csv or .tsv format) which contains information to run the analysis with different settings for every sample.
Please see viroconstrictor -h
for all command-line options
Overview of command-line options¶
Below, you can find a brief summary if all available command line options and their meaning.
Command | Argument | Explanation |
--input /-i |
[input directory] | This is the folder containing your input fastq files. Both absolute as relative paths are supported. |
--output /-o |
[output directory] | This is the desired output folder with all data and results. If the desired folder doesn't exist yet then it will be created. |
--reference /-ref |
[reference fasta] | Input reference sequence genome in FASTA format |
--primers /-pr |
[primer fasta] / NONE |
Used primer sequences in FASTA format. Use NONE if your sequencing protocol does not use primers |
--features /-gff |
[GFF file] / NONE |
The GFF3 file containing the genomic features (open reading frames etc.) matching the given reference fasta. Use NONE if you don't have access to a GFF3 file containing this information. |
--platform |
nanopore / illumina / iontorrent |
The sequencing platform that was used to generate the dataset. Either being 'nanopore', 'illumina' or 'iontorrent'. Default is nanopore |
--amplicon-type /-at |
end-to-end / end-to-mid / fragmented |
The amplicon type that matches your sequencing experiment/protocol. Either being end-to-end ,end-to-mid , or fragmented |
--min-coverage /-mc |
Minimum coverage | The minimum coverage for the consensus sequence(s) Default is 30 |
--primer-mismatch-rate /-pmr |
Fraction of maximum primer mismatches | The maximum percentage mismatches that is tolerated during the primer search. Mismatches are counted in substitutions between primer and reference. Insertions and/or deletions are not taken into account. Default is 0.1 (10%) This means that max 10% of the length of a primer may be a mismatch, i.e. if your primer is 30nt then maximum 3 mismatches are allowed |
--target /--preset |
Name of the viral target | The basic descriptive name of the viral target that is being analysed i.e. "Measles", "Sars-CoV-2", "HPV16", or "Influenza_A" This viral target will be used as an analysis-preset if there is a preset available for the given viral target. If no preset is available for the given target then default settings will be used. Please also see the information regarding presets. Disable the use of analysis-presets with the --disable-presets flag. |
--disable-presets /-dp |
N/A | Switches off the use of analysis presets, default analysis settings will be used for all given samples/viral-targets. It is still necessary to provide the information of viral-target. |
--match-ref /-mr |
N/A | Enables the match-ref process for all samples in the analysis. Please see the additional information regarding the match reference process |
--segmented /-seg |
N/A | Indicates that samples to be analyzed are segmented instead of a single reference genome. Setting is only applicable to the match-ref process. Please see the addtional information regarding the match reference process for segmented viruses |
--threads /-t |
Amount of threads | Number of local threads that are available to use. Default is the number of available threads in your system |
--dryrun |
N/A | Run the ViroConstrictor workflow without actually doing anything. (default: False) |
--skip-updates |
N/A | Skip the check for a new version |
--version /-v |
N/A | Shows the current version of ViroConstrictor and exits |
--help /-h |
N/A | Show the ViroConstrictor help document and exits |
Run a single-target analysis¶
When running ViroConstrictor as a single-target analysis its possible to provide all necessary information via the command line. The given information will be applied to all samples in the analysis.
To run an analysis, you need to provide (at least) the following inputs/information:
- The input directory containing your FastQ data via the
flag - The desired output directory for results and data via the
flag - The path to a reference fasta file via the
flag -
Used sequencing primers in correct fasta format or as a bed-file via the
flagIf you did not use any primers during your sequencing run then provide
--primers NONE
on the command line -
A GFF file containing the genomic features of the given reference file via the
flagIf you don't have access to a GFF file with genomic features matching the reference then provide
--features NONE
. ViroConstrictor will then attempt to guess the genomic features of the given reference during analysis.However, amino acid translations of the genomic features will not be provided in the results folder when no GFF file is given, if amino acid translations are desired then an input GFF file matching your reference fasta is required.
The used sequencing platform via
, can be "nanopore", "illumina", or "iontorrent" -
The Amplicon-type in your provided data via the
flag.If you did not use any primers, and set
--primers NONE
then this information will be ignored
(you still have to provide this command-line flag but it won't be used) -
A named viral target via the
flag.The given viral target will be used to enable an analysis-preset if ViroConstrictor is able to match your input to a known preset. If no preset is available then the default analysis settings will be used for the given viral-target. Please also see the documentation about working with presets.
You can disable the use of analysis-presets with the--disable-presets
Additional information that you can provide, but is not always required is the minimum coverage level (--min-coverage
) as well as the primer-mismatch rate (--primer-mismatch-rate
). When these flags are not provided then their default values are used during analysis.
You can start a single-target analysis with a command such as the following:
viroconstrictor \
--input {path/to/FastQ-files} \
--output {path/to/desired/output/folder} \
--reference {path/to/reference.fasta / NONE} \
--primers {path/to/primers.fasta / NONE} \
--features {path/to/features.gff / NONE} \
--platform {nanopore/illumina/iontorrent} \
--amplicon-type {end-to-end/end-to-mid} \
--min-coverage {coverage level} \
--primer-mismatch-rate {mismatch rate} \
--target viral-target
Run a multi-target analysis¶
When running ViroConstrictor for multiple targets in a single analysis. Or if you want to set different analysis settings for every sample then you can run ViroConstrictor in multi-target analysis mode.
A single analysis with different settings for each sample can be started by providing a samplesheet in Excel, CSV or TSV format.
An example table can be seen below, or download the example excel spreadsheet here
Sample | Virus | Match-ref | Segmented | Primers | Reference | Features | min-coverage | primer-mismatch-rate |
Sample_1 | SARS-CoV-2 | FALSE | FALSE | /path/to/sars_cov_2_primers.fasta | /path/to/sars_cov_2_reference.fasta | /path/to/sars_cov_2.gff | 50 | 0.1 |
Sample_2 | Measles | FALSE | FALSE | /path/to/Measles_primers.fasta | /path/to/measles_reference.fasta | /path/to/measles.gff | 30 | 0.15 |
Sample_3 | Influenza_A | TRUE | TRUE | /path/to/Influenza-A_primers.fasta | /path/to/Influenza-A_reference.fasta | NONE | 30 | 0.1 |
Sample_4 | HPV | TRUE | FALSE | NONE | /path/to/HPV_reference.fasta | NONE | 10 | 0.1 |
Please keep in mind that the Sample key as given in de samplesheet must correspond with the FastQ filename in your input directory. If this isn't the case then ViroConstrictor will let you know without running to ensure you won't get unexplainable data.
The Virus column in the samplesheet will be used as the viral-target name for analysis. This named viral target will be used to enable an analysis-preset if ViroConstrictor is able to match your input to a known preset for analysis. If no preset is available then the default analysis settings will be used for the given viral-target.
Please also see the documentation about working with presets.
You can disable the use of analysis-presets with the --disable-presets
You can start a multi-target analysis with a command such as the following
viroconstrictor \
--input {path/to/FastQ-files} \
--output {path/to/desired/output/folder} \
--samplesheet {path/to/samplesheet.xlsx} \
--platform {nanopore/illumina/iontorrent} \
--amplicon-type {end-to-end/end-to-mid}
With a multi-target analysis it's also possible to combine run-wide parameters with a samplesheet.
For example, you wish to analyse a batch of samples and set different minimum coverage values for every sample, but all other parameters in your analysis are the same.
You can then leave out certain information in your samplesheet and supplement this information through the command line.
Please note that in the given samplesheet, the columns "Samples", "Virus", and "Reference" are considered to be mandatory. starting an analysis without this information in the samplesheet will not work.